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Raised in an arts and entertainment oriented family, Naya knew at an early age that she wanted to be involved in the entertainment industry. Her childhood consisted of putting on many theatrical plays, fashion design, and doing all types of make-up to bring her visions to life. Upon entering college, she had little to no experience when it came to make-up artistry but soon realized it advanced as something natural and enjoyable to her when she practiced on her roommates. Relocating back to her hometown of Boston after college, she grew interested in the business and began contacting different local designers to get involved in many shows during Boston Fashion Week. Thus solidifying her love for the business of make-up. 


Naya soon realized that it was time to be adventurous. She packed all of her belongings and shipped off to the West Coast to attend Make-Up Designory in Los Angeles, California. Throughout her studies, she gained a much more forceful drive and passion for the profession. Learning new tips and tricks along the way to perfect her craft. Her love for editorial and fashion make-up, in particular, grew immensely. She then knew that New York was where she wanted to be. Heading back to the city to be in New York, she continues to work and progress in her studies.


With the desire of one day owning a successful cosmetology corporation, Naya aspires to bring confidence and high self-esteem to women of every race, shape, and size. Seeing make-up as a product of beauty enhancement and not a flaw concealer, Naya encourages women to try different products and explore a life with make-up, regardless of skill level. No one deserves to feel insecure or hesitant about wearing make-up, and Naya intends to bring new meaning to the beauty of a woman. 

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